The Yampa River Corridor Project is set to break ground in early fall 2022. The project is the result of a multi-year planning process between local agencies designed to stabilize and diversify the economy in Craig and Moffat County after the closure of the coal mines and power plant. Craig was awarded $3.3 million dollars by the Economic Development Administration Assistance to Coal Communities Grant. The city and county collaborated to secure this federal funding for the project, which will upgrade the city’s water intake infrastructure, as well as add new visitor amenities along the river. 70% of the project costs will be supported through the EDA funding, approximately $4.6 million as of this year. The goal of the EDA funding is to support economic resilience by diversifying the region’s economic base. The idea is that having an outdoor recreational amenity so close to town will attract more visitors to spend time in town, creating a ripple effect in the local economy.