Basin women with business sense are urged to sign up for an upcoming opportunity. The Women’s Business Center through the Salt Lake County Chamber of Commerce has helped thousands of Utah women experience success in starting their own businesses. Due to its success, the Salt Lake Chamber began reaching out to other areas of the state to help even more Utah women and a partnership with the Vernal Area Chamber of Commerce was formed. “More of our local women are going into the workforce with the downturn in the economy,” shares Vernal Chamber Director Joel Brown. “Vernal is lucky to be one of the rural areas to have this option now.” The Women’s Business Center is a digital resource through
under the Community tab. Click on the WBC link for the free resources. All interested are urged to sign up for the Women’s Business Center launch on April 11th in conjunction with the Vernal Chamber luncheon. Any women interested are asked to RSVP through the Vernal Area Chamber. Lunch is free for you and one guest during the presentation by the Salt Lake Chamber representatives.