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Woman Arrested After Arriving At Probation Meeting Under The Influence

by | Nov 5, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Showing up under the influence to a meeting with your probation officer probably won’t end well, which was the case for a woman in Uintah County last week. According to the Probable Cause Statement, 64-year-old Joanne Lanette Manwaring was taken into custody after showing signs of being under the influence of a controlled substance during a meeting with Adult Probation and Parole. It was discovered that the vehicle she had parked was outside the established parking stall lines and her probation agent found a glass pipe with methamphetamine residue inside Manwaring’s vehicle. Field testing performed by an officer determined that she was not safe to operate a motor vehicle and she was taken into custody. Manwaring has numerous prior drug convictions. She is charged with 2nd Degree Felony Possession or Use of a Controlled Substance as well as other charges, including Driving Under the Influence. 

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