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Winter Ozone Formation Possible Next Week

by | Jan 12, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The scientists at the Bingham Research Center have announced in this week’s Winter Ozone Update that local ozone formation could begin next week with EPA exceedances possible by the end of the week. They report that snowfall around the Basin is deep enough to stay as it is unlikely that temperatures will exceed freezing in the next 7 days. More snow is also likely over the weekend and Monday. “The cold temperatures, stable high pressure, snowpack, and sunny skies will all contribute to a rising confidence of inversion formation. Ozone concentrations are expected to rise slowly due to the weaker sun in early January and exposed vegetation above the snowpack. With the snowfall in the coming days, this vegetation may be progressively covered further.”  You can view real-time air quality data for the entire Basin at any time at  

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