Wildlife Officials Plan To Change To No Limits On Flaming Gorge Lake Trout

by | Jul 18, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Starting in October, limits on lake trout under 28 inches in Flaming Gorge are expected to be eliminated. The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission voted to remove the limits on the Wyoming side of Flaming Gorge in an ongoing effort to save the kokanee salmon population. It is anticipated that the Utah Wildlife Board will approve a similar removal of limits on lake trout in Flaming Gorge. The goal is not to eliminate lake trout but to reduce the population to restore a better balance in Flaming Gorge where kokanee salmon can also flourish rather than be disproportionately gobbled up by lake trout while. Wildlife officials in Wyoming and Utah have been working to address the problem of the reduced kokanee salmon population and while there are other issues also being worked on, it is hoped that moving to no limits on lake trout will be a big step in the right direction. 

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