What Sets PrimeTime 4 Kids Apart?

by | Sep 12, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The 50th anniversary party to celebrate PrimeTime 4 Kids is coming up and while well known, there are still community members unsure what the program offers. So what sets PrimeTime 4 Kids apart from the other wonderful programs in the community that work with young kids? PrimeTime 4 Kids is contracted through the Utah Department of Health and Human Services to provide early intervention services to children ages 0 to 3 living within Uintah and Daggett Counties. The program meets the standard of early intervention services federally mandated since the 1980s. While the local professionals may appear to be just enjoying fun with babies and toddlers, there is actually so much more to what they are doing. Director Michael Peterson explains that all the staff at PrimeTime 4 Kids must have a bachelor’s degree and be credentialed by the Department of Health and Human Services. All the therapists must be licensed and the Speech Therapist not only has the educational qualifications but must also have a clinical background. “There are a lot of educational requirements to work in early intervention,” explains Peterson. “We are trained to work with child development. It might look like we are just having fun with kids but there is always a plan in place as we work toward the next milestone.” All families connected with the PrimeTime early intervention services over the years, including back when it was Uintah County Specialized Preschool Services, are invited to the 50th Anniversary party on September 19th from 4:30 to 6pm at the Naples City Park. To sign up for the cornhole tournament or for more information, visit www.primetime4kids.org

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