Snow has been slow coming this year but Utah officials have said there’s no need to panic, especially in the Uinta Basin. According to a water conditions update from the Division of Water Resources, snowpack is 81% of normal as an overall average in the state but the Uinta Basin has fared best so far this water year and currently stands at 164% of normal. Reservoirs across the state are in good shape, with many above normal levels for this time of year. The statewide average is 75% full which is lower than last year but remains well above the drought-driven lows of 2021-2022. “Reservoirs have been crucial in buffering us from recent droughts,” shares Candice Hasenyager, director of the Division of Water Resources. “Promising storage levels now reflect favorable water years and ongoing conservation efforts, which are key to ensuring water security amid climate uncertainties.” Utah’s snowpack typically peaks in April so officials say there is still time for the snowpack to accumulate and add to Utah’s water storage.