Watch Next Wednesday for a Total Eclipse of the Moon

by | May 21, 2021 | News | 0 comments

A total eclipse of the moon will be visible from northeastern Utah on Wednesday, May 26th. According to Patrick Wiggins, NASA Solar System Ambassador to Utah, night owls and early risers in Utah will be treated to the first total eclipse of the Moon visible in Utah since January of 2019. While the best viewing will be from locations with a very low southwestern horizon and away from the glare of urban light pollution most everyone in Utah will be able to see at least parts of the eclipse. “Unlike eclipses of the Sun that require special viewing equipment, eclipses of the Moon require nothing more than a desire to look (and clear skies),” shares Wiggins. The schedule is: 3:44am partial eclipse starts, 5:11am total eclipse starts, 5:18am maximum eclipse, 5:26am total eclipse ends. Moon sets while still partially eclipsed around 6:15am (depending on the observer’s location). The next total eclipse of the Moon visible from Utah will happen next May. The next eclipse of the Sun visible from Utah will be in October 2023.

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