Watch For Avalanche Danger When In Backcountry

by | Jan 4, 2022 | News | 0 comments

US Forest Service has a warning for all heading out to enjoy fresh powder in the backcountry. “Tons of new snow and wind to finish off 2021 means we start the New Year with HIGH avalanche danger on steep north facing slopes plagued by a buried persistent weak layer near the ground,” shares the Forest Service. “The snow is pretty stable in sunny terrain though, on slopes where there was none or very little snow at the beginning of December. You can safely enjoy the fresh powder in the backcountry if you stay off of and out from under slopes steeper than 30 degrees.” Before heading out to recreate, check the weather, check avalanche conditions, be prepared, and let someone know where you are headed and when you expect to return. Visit for conditions. 

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