Volunteers are needed as the Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport in Sweetwater County will be hosting a full scale mass casualty emergency exercise on Saturday, April 12th. This exercise is held in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration and Transportation Security Administration regulations requiring a simulated mass casualty incident which is defined as an event that overwhelms local healthcare resources and capabilities due to a sudden, large-scale disaster. “The goal of this exercise is to implement and test the Airport’s Emergency Plan utilizing responding emergency agencies,” shares the announcement. “The drill is conducted as a training exercise for the participating agencies and is conducted as realistically as possible incorporating special effects, trauma makeup, dozens of rescue and law enforcement professionals and over 40 actors to achieve its goal. The success of this drill is directly tied to the number of volunteers that are available to serve as victims, onlookers, friends/family, and 911 callers.” Volunteers are asked to sign up through a link on the Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport Facebook page.