Vernal PD Warns Public of Increase in Vehicle Burglaries and Thefts

by | Mar 2, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Vernal Police Department is urging the public to be more proactive. “Within the last week, we have seen an uptick in Vehicle Burglaries and Automobile Thefts,” shares Vernal PD. “These investigations are active and ongoing, and we are chasing all leads. We would like to remind our community to please lock your vehicles, take valuables out and keep them in a safe place, and please refrain from leaving your keys inside your vehicles. We know that it is cold outside, but please think twice about starting vehicles and leaving them unattended.” Call Dispatch at 435-789-4222 if you see anything or anyone suspicious in your areas. Make sure home surveillance systems are active and recording. 

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