You’ve heard the phrase “look both ways before crossing the street” or how about “pedestrians have the right of way.” No matter what way you look at it, pedestrians and drivers on the road share responsibility in safety at crosswalks. That message is especially important after a tragic weekend in which a pedestrian was struck and killed by a vehicle in the crosswalk at 500 West Main Street in Vernal. As unthinkable as it is, Vernal PD says it was not an isolated incident and there were actually multiple accidents in the past week involving pedestrians being struck by vehicles while crossing the roadway. “We ask all drivers to be aware of their surroundings and conscientious of those crossing the roadway,” shares Vernal PD. “If you are a pedestrian crossing any street please use caution and don’t rely on motorists to see or yield to you. Take precautions to keep you and your loved ones safe.”