Vernal City Utility Rates Increase Due to Increase in Operational Costs

by | Mar 9, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Vernal City utility rates are increasing due to an increase in operational costs passed on to the City. During their regular city council meeting held on February 17th, the council voted to approve a total increase of $3.06 for residential users per month. That amount breaks down to a $2.00 increase for water, $1.00 increase for sewer, and 6 cent increase for garbage. In presenting to the council, Mike Davis shared a spreadsheet that showed the deficit in the water fund and that the increased costs are coming from outside facilities such as the water treatment plant and the sewer treatment plant. Commercial users are expected to see a larger increase unless they are on a smaller meter. Vernal City Manager Quinn Bennion emphasized that the increases are because of costs that have been invoiced to the City. A change was also made to increase the reconnection fee from $20 to $40. The rate increases will appear on the next bill dated March 31st, 2021. 

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