Vernal City on Water and Sewer Rate Changes

by | Mar 15, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Vernal City utility rates are increasing and Vernal City Manager Quinn Bennion is offering further details on what led to the need for change. “The rate will increase $1 a month for sewer and $2 a month for water for residential and small commercial users,” shares Bennion. “The rate change is due to cost increases charged to the City for water treatment at the Central Utah Water plant, wastewater treatment and Steinaker improvements. The large commercial meter base rate and the water overage rate also increased.  The City’s internal operation costs have remained constant for many years.  Vernal City continues to provide clean, fresh and safe water to the residents and businesses within the City limits and works to incorporate efficiencies and cost-cutting measures when practical.” During their regular city council meeting held on February 17th, the council voted to approve the increase. The new monthly base utility rates start this month.

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