Vernal City Council Takes Next Step Towards Establishing SAA2

by | Nov 16, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Plans to establish a second Special Assessment Area in downtown Vernal continue to
progress. The Vernal City Council approved the latest step in the process during their
City Council meeting on Wednesday evening. As downtown revitalization efforts provide
public improvements to the walkways and parking lots, special assessment areas can be
established so that property owners are required to help with maintenance costs. Special
Assessment Area 2 includes the Cobblerock block and the affected property owners had
until October 18th to submit their comments and file a protest. The City received protest
letters from 2 property owners for a total of 13 percent of the assessment area, falling
short of the 40 percent required to stop the formation of the special assessment area. The
next step in establishing SAA2 is setting dates for a Board of Equalization which moved
forward on Wednesday. Vernal City Manager Quinn Bennion anticipates final approval
on SAA2 in late December or early January.

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