Vernal City Approves Pursuit Of Lamplighter Block Through Condemnation

by | Jun 20, 2024 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

Vernal City Council met on Wednesday evening and on the meeting agenda under Policy And Legislation was the item to ‘Consider Approval of an Ordinance of the Vernal City Council Authorizing the Filing of a Complaint to take by Eminent Domain the Property at 120 East Main Street for Public Use’. The City Council unanimously approved the item, agreeing to move forward in the process to pursue the Lamplighter Inn block property by condemnation. On June 5th, a public meeting was held in which Vernal City invited public input on the possible acquisition of the Lamplighter Inn property and to answer questions about the background and reasons for the City’s consideration. Chief among the reasons was that the property is in a state of blight and there is soil contamination needing cleaned up. The City is uniquely positioned to purchase the property and handle the expensive cleanup through federal grants that are not available to private property owners. A 4-year effort to negotiate a fair market price with the owner was unsuccessful and the option of acquiring the property through condemnation was brought to the table as a last resort option. If the City is successful in acquiring the property through this route the space will be modified for use as a public space. 

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