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Utah Wildlife Board Approves Mandatory Harvest Reporting For Deer/Elk Hunts

by | Nov 30, 2023 | News | 0 comments

The Utah Wildlife Board has approved a proposal to require mandatory harvest reporting for general season deer and elk hunts. For about 20 years, harvest surveys were required for all limited-entry big game hunts in the state and this year there was mandatory harvest reporting on antlerless hunts. The new requirement to include the general-season deer and elk hunts will begin in 2024. “Hunters have been requesting this data for years, and technology now makes it easier to conduct these surveys and collect this information after the hunts,” shares DWR Big Game Projects Coordinator Kent Hersey. “This will also help us to maintain more comprehensive and quality harvest data and will provide better insights into Utah’s big game hunts.” Starting in 2024, permit holders will have 30 days to report the results of their hunt after their hunting season ends. 

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