Utah Department of Public Safety Current Driving Fatalities

by | Sep 7, 2023 | News | 0 comments

At a recent media event, the Utah Department of Public Safety announced how things are going with the Zero Fatalities program. So far, in 2023, there have been 180 lives lost on Utah’s roads with 82 of the fatalities occurring during summer months. The 100 Deadliest Days (between Memorial Day and Labor Day) saw a total of 84 fatalities. While every one of them is a tragedy it should be noted that it is the lowest (outside of the anomaly of 2019) over the last 9 years. Remember to stick to the basics of driving when on the road and that the top four leading cause of all crashes on Utah Highways are following too closely, failing to yield the right-of-way, traveling too fast for the conditions and unsafe lane changes/failing to stay in the proper lane. Uintah Basin travelers are urged to make safety the top priority every trip, every time. 

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