USD School Board Considering Uintah High Schedule Changes This Week

by | Nov 8, 2021 | News | 0 comments

The Uintah High School schedule has garnered significant attention from the community and is an agenda item at this Wednesday’s Uintah School District board meeting. Superintendent Rick Woodford announced that three schedule options have been vetted by a committee for the board to consider: First would be to remain with the current trimester schedule of 5 classes daily; Second would be to adopt a new trimester schedule of 6 classes daily; And third would be to adopt a new semester schedule where students would take 5 classes or labs daily and 10 total classes or labs each semester on a rotating A-B schedule. A survey sent out to parents and guardians is gathering feedback for the board to consider. For more information, visit and click on ‘Uintah High School Schedule Options’. 

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