Uptick In Efforts to Prevent Invasive Mussels From Spreading

by | Nov 13, 2020 | News | 0 comments

Battling the spread of quagga mussels in Utah continues. Like many things, COVID-19 had an influence on boating season this year by getting people outdoors. As a result, boat inspections increased by 45%. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Utah State Parks personnel completed 445,392 boat inspections and decontaminated 10,959 boats. On their busiest day, the Fourth of July, they completed 17,717 inspections and 349 decontaminations. “With an unprecedented number of boaters recreating at Utah reservoirs this summer, staff from DWR and State Parks did an amazing job serving the public, while continuing to protect Utah’s waters from invasive mussels,” shared DWR Invasive Species Coordinator Nathan Owens. “We, our partners and many others are extremely grateful for their hard work.” Currently, Lake Powell is the only waterbody in Utah with quagga mussels and that is what the goal is for both DWR and NPS personnel.  Part of those plans include providing additional inspection stations around Utah and additional locations for boaters to get professional decontaminations when needed. Inspection stations have been located each boating season on main travel routes in and out of the Uintah Basin. 

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