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Update on US-40 Construction in Gusher

by | Jun 10, 2020 | News | 0 comments

In a bit of exciting news the crews working on US-40 in Gusher have completed the first round of paving this week. Travellers might have noticed that the crew has shifted the work zone to the north side of the road. The traffic will be down to one-lane with flaggers helping on Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 8pm to 5am. All those planning to drive on US-40 in Gusher should plan for potential delays of up to 15 minutes in the area. The project’s Phase 1 had the crews installing 12,000 feet of lineal pipe and completed the waterline. They have added 2.5 feet of fill and road base to be able to build up the new section of the road. The full project is expected to run through the end of the year and the list of improvements include adding an eastbound passing lane, center turn lane, and widening shoulder areas to enhance safety and improve mobility. The project work is being done between milepost 122 and milepost 126. All drivers need to remember that the speed limit throughout the work zone is 50 miles per hour. Slow down for everyone’s safety.

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