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Union High Students Crowned 3A State Drama Champs 2023 

by | Apr 26, 2023 | News | 0 comments

A group of very talented students had their hard work pay off over the weekend as Union High was crowned the 2023 3A State Drama Champions. “I feel these students earned a state championship by working hard and listening to their coaches,” shares Coach Mindy Palmer. “This group is great, takes direction, and is constantly upping their game. My unbiased opinion is, they are the best students in the state.” An impressive 65% of the group’s individual events made medal rounds with top finishers Asher Tomlinson winning 1st place in Humorous Monologue and Asher Tomlinson and Jaron Mathews winning 1st place in Pantomime. There were also many others that placed in the top tier. ‘Almost, Maine’, the group’s one act play, took 2nd place and was named Best Ensemble. The judge was actor Jasen Nielsen who said it was “a mini master class of the complexity of the human experience of love.” A showcase of their performances is taking place on May 8th in the Union High Auditorium starting at 6:00 with “Almost, Maine”.

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