Union High School Students of the Month

by | Mar 10, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The new Union High School Students of the Month are Freshman Eton Osborne, Sophomore Taiya Miles, Junior Halli Hales, and Senior Brookelyn Nielsen. Eton Osborne was nominated by Mrs. Blackhair. “Eton is always working hard to do better in my class,” shares Mrs. Blackhair. “He asks questions and is always so well mannered.” Taiya Miles was nominated by Mrs. Garcia. “She’s been a 4.0 student all year!” shares Mrs. Garcia. “Taiya is a go-getter. She’s a part of student council, a member of the drill team, and does service in her community. She’s just an awesome person.” Halli Hales was nominated by Mrs. Keel. “Halli works very hard to ensure that she stays up to date on her work within the classroom,” shares Mrs. Keel. “She always asks prior to being gone what needs to be done and is always the first one to have things complete and turned in.” Brookelyn Nielsen was actually nominated by two teachers, Mr. North and Mrs. Garcia. “Brooke performs at high levels academically,” shares Mr. North, “and above that, she portrays self motivation by readily taking on extra tasks.” Mrs. Garcia describes Brooke as a leader. “I see her reaching out to others with kindness,” shares Mrs. Garcia. “I think she’s really trying to make a difference at Union.” Congratulations Eton Osborne, Taiya Miles, Halli Hales, and Brookelyn Nielsen; Union Students of the Month!

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