Understanding Wildfire Warnings and Watches

by | Jun 3, 2020 | News | 0 comments

Utah is having an early and fast start on wildfire season and local and state officials are urging the public to take safety seriously. Most of the wildfires in Utah so far this year have been human-caused and officials are asking Utahns to make the pledge to help prevent human-caused wildfires at SparkChange.Utah.Gov. National Weather Service is also urging safety by educating the public on Wildfire Warnings and Watches. A ‘Fire Weather Watch’ means to Be Prepared as critical fire weather conditions are possible. A ‘Red Flag Warning’ means to Take Action as critical fire weather conditions are ongoing or expected to occur within the next 12 to 48 hours. When it comes to wildfires, it is best to create and follow a personal wildland fire action plan, listen if you are told to evacuate your home, and return home only when officials say it is safe. For more information, visit weather.gov/safety/wildfire

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