Uintah School District Superintendent Rick Woodford issued an update on back to school plans on Friday. A few points from the letter include the following: Chromebooks will be assigned to all students enrolled in a Uintah School District program, including Uintah Online…Uintah School District will enforce Governor Herbert’s executive order that requires everyone to wear a face covering or mask in schools. Masks must be worn appropriately and must entirely cover the wearer’s nostrils and mouth. Students who are medically-exempted from wearing a mask will be provided with a home-based educational program through Uintah Online. Students who refuse or fail to appropriately wear a mask at school or on the bus will be transferred from their neighborhood school to Uintah Online…The use of face shields without a mask will be limited to students and staff who are engaged in speech and language services...When students or staff become infected, our district and our schools will work closely with the TriCounty Health Department to facilitate contact tracing. We will also take all appropriate measures to minimize the spread of the virus. Parents are strongly encouraged to conduct daily symptom checks with each of their kids before sending them to school. It is imperative that students stay home from school when they are experiencing even mild symptoms of illness or if they have had a direct exposure to someone with COVID-19...Students who are not able to come to school due to COVID-related exposure or illness, will have an opportunity to engage in learning from home through Canvas. When this occurs, students can demonstrate attendance by logging on to Canvas and completing their assigned work. “With your support, I am confident that our school community will rise to meet the many challenges posed by this pandemic,” shares Woodford. A link to the full letter is available on the Uintah School District Facebook page.