Uintah School District Superintendent Initiates Principal Swap

by | May 21, 2021 | News | 0 comments

After an evaluation, Uintah School District Superintendent Rick Woodford proposed some changes in the District including a shuffle of leadership that will affect the largest schools. Those 8th graders finishing up the school year at Uintah Middle School are in for a special treat as their Principal Christy Nerdin is making the switch with them to the high school as the new Principal there. Woodford proposed the swap which will send current Uintah High Principal Sharon Shipton to Uintah Middle School for next year, a move that aims to “best leverage leadership growth and help the district’s schools become better.” Although the change in leadership at UHS and UMS will not officially take place until August 1st, Principal Shipton and Principal Nerdin have already begun working together to ensure a smooth transition. “Change can be difficult, but it provides those involved with an opportunity to grow,” Superintendent Woodford said. “In education, we are all about learning and growth. Mrs. Shipton and Mrs. Nerdin are both talented school leaders committed to improving results for our students. I believe both principals and both schools will benefit and become better with this change.” 

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