Uintah High School Future Farmers of America Return From Nationals

by | Nov 5, 2019 | News | 0 comments

Members of the Uintah High School Future Farmers of America recently returned from Indianapolis, Indiana after attending the National FFA Convention. There was close to 70,000 members and guests and our local chapter represented the two events they qualified for. The Uintah FFA Floriculture team was able to place 10th in the nation, as Uintah has never placed that high before. Ezrie Slaugh, Hunter Reynolds, Alix Williams, and Sadie Young were able to achieve a Gold rating for their efforts. The Uintah FFA Parliamentary Procedure team of Bethany Christensen, Alexanndria Veibell, Bradley Wilson, Devony Cook, Sage Rothlisberger, and Denim Lister placed 16th in the nation. The team received a silver rating, with four members, Bethany, Alexanndria, Devony, and Denim scoring enough on the exams to become certified parliamentarians.  

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