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Uintah FFA Shines At National FFA Convention

by | Nov 27, 2023 | News | 0 comments

The Uintah FFA national qualifiers showed up to compete earlier this month at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Uintah FFA Livestock evaluation team placed 25th in the nation with Blake Holmes individually placing 2nd and 5th in specific parts of the contest. Uintah FFA member, McKenzie Lindsay, was honored with the National FFA American Degree, which is the highest achievement available and is earned by less than 1 percent of members. All the preparation and study time paid off for the Uintah FFA Floriculture team made up of Taysia Richens, Kaylee Jo Huber, Aysha Slaugh, and Isabel Owens. They competed extremely well and placed 4th in the nation and were awarded a Gold Emblem. “We were so excited to be in the top four and to go on stage at the National FFA Convention to learn our final placing,” shared team member Isabel Owens. The National FFA Organization has more than 945,988 student members ages 12 to 21 participating in more than 9,163 chapters nationwide. Congratulations to our local youth on their hard work and success!

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