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Uintah County Primary Election Ballots Finally Arrive at Vernal Post Office

by | Jun 18, 2018 | News | 0 comments

After a bit of a wait, Primary Election ballots have arrived at the Vernal Post Office. Clerk Auditor Mike Wilkins announced Monday that the ballots had arrived and should be delivered on Monday. “If you do not receive your ballot in the mail today please come into the County Clerk’s office,” shares Wilkins. “You still have plenty of time to vote your ballot and get a postmark date by
the 25th of June
or hand delivered by
on Election Day,
June 26th.
” Wilkins also explains that the Democratic Party allows any voter to vote in their primary so if you receive a Democratic Ballot that is why. If you believe you’ve received that ballot in error, visit the Uintah County Clerk’s office immediately. The Primary Election is a party election that eliminates the candidates down to one candidate per party. Those with questions can call



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