Spring weather has been making an appearance and most of the time it feels good to be
outside. For many, this signals it is time to get out of the house and clean up the yard and
home. To add incentive for the community’s beautifying efforts, local agencies are
making cleanup efforts as affordable as possible. Uintah County’s annual Free Dump
Days will be from April 20th to April 27th which also aligns with Duchesne County’s
days. This means the residential fee is waved for most loads. Greg Jensen with Uintah
County’s landfill clarified to the Commissioners on Tuesday that this does not apply to
disposing of refrigerators and they will still keep the 4 tire rule. He also noted that K&K
Sanitation will also participate. Free Dump Week does not apply to commercial loads.
Uintah County Free Dump Days To Align With Duchesne County