Uintah County Expects Economic Benefits From First Public Via Ferrata In State 

by | May 30, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The route for a unique mountain adventure activity called Via Ferrata is currently being installed on the Ashley Gorge in Uintah County. Once complete, it will be the first public Via Ferrata in the state of Utah.
Uintah County Trails Coordinator Mike Cook shared with Evans Family Media that because funding appropriated from the legislature is covering the cost of installation, it is anticipated that this will come at no or close to no cost to the Uintah County tax payers.
Once installed, the maintenance outdoors is minimal and limited to inspections. The Ashley Gorge location was selected over other proposed sites because it is Uintah County owned. Other potential sites were on public lands that would require a lengthy and expensive application process with no guarantee of approval to move forward.
Cook also explained that it is hoped by being the first public Via Ferrata in Utah, Uintah County will see new benefits added to the economy. In fact, it could bring significant economic benefits based on comparisons to Colorado communities with Via Ferrata sites. When asked more specifically how many people are expected to visit Uintah County for the Via Ferrata experience, Cook said it is hard to know but he would guess at least several thousand a year.
Before that time comes, Uintah County is continuing planning meetings with local water agencies to ensure that the Ashley Springs water source in that area is protected from future visitors. Installation of the Via Ferrata hardware should be finished by the end of the summer. 

Photo Credit – Via Ferrata Ouray Colorado

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