‘Uintah Basin Area Veterans’ Invites Community To Wreath Laying Ceremony

by | Nov 10, 2021 | News | 0 comments

The Uintah Basin Area Veterans (UBAV) invites all to attend a special Veterans Day Wreath Laying Ceremony tomorrow. Uintah Basin Area Veterans co-founder Wes Porter says the intent of the event is to have a day to remember that our veterans’ stories are also the community’s stories. “This is to remember that our veterans’ history, whether overseas or locally, is tied to the fabric of the Uintah Basin,” shares Porter. “This is a day of connection between the community and the veteran population. It is one of the only days where you have veterans from WWII to the current War On Terror sitting next to each other. It’s special to have them together in one spot and it’s something we are not going to be able to do for much longer.” Thursday’s special event will start at 11:00am on the Uintah County Library lawn. Following a brief program, all will walk the wreath around the building to the war monuments. The American Legion will give a 21 gun salute and the wreath will be laid at the memorial followed by the playing of taps. It will be a simple ceremony designed for contemplation, explains Porter. All are invited. A separate Veterans Day Appreciation Luncheon will then be held from noon to 1pm at Esquire RV as a thank you to local active and retired military personnel. 

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