Uinta Basin Railway Supreme Court Review A Monumental Milestone

by | Jun 25, 2024 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

The Seven County Infrastructure Coalition will get their day in court as the Supreme
Court has agreed to hear their case concerning the Uinta Basin Railway project. Despite
securing the proper permits, environmental lawsuits led to the project’s halt. The case
before the Supreme Court has significance not only for the Uinta Basin Railway but will
likely affect the future of transportation infrastructure in the entire country. A press
release from the Seven County Infrastructure Coalition states that “the Supreme Court’s
decision to review the case offers a chance to resolve a critical legal question regarding
the scope of the National Environmental Policy Act review. Proponents of the railway
assert that the Surface Transportation Board has thoroughly and properly considered all
proximate environmental impacts of the project. This Supreme Court review has the
potential to set a precedent for how large-scale infrastructure projects are evaluated and
approved, impacting future projects nationwide.” Duchesne County Commissioner Greg
Miles, who serves as the Co-Chair of the Seven County Infrastructure Coalition Board,
calls Monday’s announcement a monumental milestone for the Uinta Basin Railway.
“I’m proud of our team at the Seven County Infrastructure Coalition,” shares Miles.
“This is a heavy lift to get into the Supreme Court, and I believe we couldn’t have done it
without the help of the Ute Tribe.” Miles says oral arguments will likely take place in the
late fall with a decision coming mid 2025.

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