UHP Investigating After Accident During Series of Unfortunate Events

by | Oct 13, 2020 | News | 0 comments

Utah Highway Patrol is investigating the cause of an accident involving a fire vehicle after a series of unfortunate events during an emergency response last week in the Maeser area. According to a press release from the Uintah Fire Suppression Special Service District, the Vernal City/Uintah County Fire Department received a page from Central Dispatch on October 7th around noon about a vehicle accident on 500 North 3500 West. “Dispatch informed the fire department that the vehicle was on fire and the driver was pinned,” shares the press release. “Engine 6, located at the Maeser Fire Substation, responded within seconds while the rescue truck and additional apparatus/personnel responded from the Vernal Fire Station. While responding lights and sirens to the call, Rescue 10 was passing through the intersection of 500 North 2500 West when they were involved in a separate vehicle accident. Firefighters and fire apparatus following Rescue 10 immediately checked on all parties involved making sure they were ok before proceeding to the original accident. The driver of the original accident was freed from the vehicle and taken by ambulance to Ashley Regional Medical Center. The Firefighters and other vehicles involved in the second accident were assessed on scene by Gold Cross Ambulance and all were released with minor injuries.” Utah Highway Patrol is investigating the cause of the accident involving the fire vehicle because it occurred on 500 North which is a state highway. The Fire District is also conducting an in-house review of the accident. The District has also expressed their appreciation for all first responders who assisted that day and the public for avoiding the area. 

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