Tune In To Uinta Basin Railway Radio Interview Monday On Newstalk KVEL

by | Aug 25, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

Evans Family Media invites all to tune into Newstalk KVEL on Monday at 5:00pm for an interview on the status of the Uinta Basin Railway. The discussion will include consequences of the federal appeals court ruling, options available to project managers going forward, the future of project funding, interstate commerce and how this ruling will affect the railway project time-line. Guests will include Mike Michel with Drexel Hamilton Infrastructure Partners; Keith Heaton, the Executive Director of the 7 County Infrastructure Coalition; and Duchesne County Commissioner Greg Miles who serves as the Co-Chair of the 7 County Infrastructure Coalition. The Uinta Basin Railway project has spent years working to provide a solution to transportation issues in the Uintah Basin through the construction of a railroad that would connect the Basin to the national railway network. The U.S. Surface Transportation Board granted approval for its construction and operation in 2021 which will now be reexamined. The railway has enjoyed the full support of local, state, and federal representatives and its construction will have a historical impact on the economic future of the Uintah Basin. Tune in Monday evening at 5:00pm on Newstalk 104.5 FM and AM 920 KVEL. It will also be streamed live on the KVEL page on BasinNow.com.

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