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TriCounty Health Now Has Biohazardous Disposal Drop Boxes

by | May 24, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Community health is a very broad scope but one that TriCounty Health Department takes seriously. A new offering in their pursuit of a healthy community is that TriCounty Health has added biohazardous disposal drop boxes at their Vernal and Roosevelt locations. The dropboxes offer drive up disposal for e-cigarette cartridges and needles. This is the safest way to dispose of needles used for pets and home medical uses, such as insulin and epinephrine, and ensures less risk of infection and illness. “We often get questions about how to safely dispose of needles and vape products,” shares TriCounty Health Officer Kirk Benge. “We hope that our new dropboxes provide a safe way for families to dispose of these locally.” The drop boxes are available outside both TriCounty Health locations and are available 24/7. 

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