Trial Date And Location Changed For Woman Who Allegedly Stole Flaming GorgeDays Accounts

by | Jan 9, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The trial of the former Green River employee who allegedly emptied the Flaming Gorge
Days account has been pushed back and the location changed. Many throughout the
region were disappointed last spring when it was announced that Flaming Gorge Days, an
event held annually in Green River, Wyoming, was canceled as the funds were gone. The
community rallied and still held an event, just with less bells and whistles. In July, the
former administrator over those and other funds, Jennifer Melvin, was arrested for

larceny. Police investigation revealed that between June 8th, 2022 and May 21st, 2023,
Melvin had allegedly stolen a total of over $42,942 dollars from the Flaming Gorge Days
account. The investigation also revealed that Melvin stole allegedly $34,551 dollars from
the Urban Renewal Agency account between January 14th, 2021 and May 30th, 2023 for
a total of $77,494 dollars. Melvin entered Not Guilty pleas to the charges in September
and her trial was scheduled for this week but the trial date has now been vacated. The
jury trial now shows on the schedule starting March 4th for 5 days in Wyoming’s Third
District Court.

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