Three Minute Business Pitch Makes Dreams Come True For Local Winners

by | May 20, 2021 | News | 0 comments

It’s been a whirlwind of a week for a group of locals involved in a unique competition that has the potential to change the lives of the lucky winners. The Innovation HUB hosted the Business Speed Pitch Competition which allowed 31 applicants the opportunity last week to pitch business ideas in three short minutes. Just 10 of them were then invited to the final round of competition that took place during the Business Expo on Wednesday at the Uintah Conference Center. The top three competitors walked away with cash and other fantastic perks to launch their entrepreneurial dreams into reality. The 3rd place winner was Tiffany Jackson with a business focused on woman’s personal fitness and mindset cultivation. The 2nd place winner was Whitney and Colby Murray with a mobile non-invasive diesel polishing service business. And the 1st place winner was Trisha Sorenson with her business plan to open a consignment bakery in Vernal.  “For the past 3 years I have been growing this little business out of my home kitchen and dreaming about the day I could have a store front and reach more people,” shares Sorenson. “The Innovation Hub provided the opportunity to help me organize those thoughts, research all the points, and really think about what this would mean for me. In the process, I gained confidence and had a few reality checks. Winning the first place prize was humbling and so exciting. There were so many incredible ideas, and each one was brought forward with such excitement and passion. There are some incredible entrepreneurs in the Basin. I can’t wait to have a space for myself and other home bakers and local artisans to share their passions and treats.” Learn more about how the Innovation Hub can support your personal business pursuits at                                                                                                                                                        


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