The “Greatest Show On Dirt” Moved To June Dates

by | Feb 20, 2024 | News | 0 comments

A major change is in place for “The Greatest Show On Dirt” but it is one that event
organizers have put a lot of thought into. The Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo has been moved
from its usual dates in July to June 13th through the 15th this year. Why? Well the
decision really has to do with choosing dates to attract the best cowboys and cowgirls by
not competing on dates with the Calgary Stampede or NFR Open at multiple cities. With
the event dates moved up, so have dates for associated events. Applications open up on
March 1st for the Miss Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo Royalty pageant that will be held at the
Uintah County Western Park on April 18th. Information on vendor applications, Mutton
Busting, and more can be found on Tickets are anticipated to be
on sale by May 1st and are expected to go fast.

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