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Teen Cited for Unsafe Passing in Highway 40 Head On Crash

by | Sep 11, 2018 | News | 0 comments

While there were some injuries, they were rather minor considering the severity of a crash that took place on Highway 40 last Friday. According to Utah Highway Patrol Sgt. Todd Hull, the accident took place on September 7th at 2:26pm at Mile Post 67 just west of the rest area. An 18-year-old female attempted to pass a semi traveling eastbound and drove her vehicle into oncoming traffic. One vehicle swerved to miss her. Another vehicle carrying a man and two young girls swerved but hit with the teen’s vehicle head on. The teen’s vehicle then rolled while the man’s vehicle spun in a circle and stayed in the travel lane. All involved were wearing seatbelts at the time of the crash. They were each transported to the hospital and were treated and released. The 18-year-old female was cited for Unsafe Passing. Sgt. Hull recommends that people be especially careful when traveling the highway and to consider that it can take a significant amount of time to pass a semi safely, requiring the utmost caution every time.

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