A former BMX world champion and graduate of Uintah High School is receiving recognition by the Uintah School District for his support of local education. Troy Lupcho, owner of Altitude Cycling, decided to return to Vernal to open the bike shop 23 years ago after having achieved BMX champion status and Team Uintah is sharing their message that “for more than two decades [Troy] has continually and generously given back to his community and to the Uintah public schools by donating time, bikes, and cycling gear to various programs.” Altitude Cycling has been a sponsor of the district’s mountain bike club since the club was organized. “If Troy is not at his shop,” shares the Team Uintah announcement, “he’s most likely on the trails around the Uintah Basin, sharing his knowledge and expertise about mountain biking with young riders.” The Team Uintah program started up this school year as a way for the school district to recognize local support of the school system and student education.