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Summer Reading Program Sparks Friendly Rivalry Between Local Libraries

by | Jun 8, 2018 | News | 0 comments

A friendly rivalry between the Duchesne and Uintah County Libraries is fueling more local kids to sign up for the summer reading programs. Uintah County Library Director Sam Passey took to Facebook a week ago announcing that the Duchesne County Library group had more children signed up for their Summer Reading Program and urged Uintah County residents to sign up and get reading. As the manager of the Duchesne County Roosevelt Branch Library and as the Utah Librarian of the Year, Stephen Moon goes above and beyond to motivate young readers to participate in their Summer Reading Program, visiting every elementary classroom as the Mad Hatter. “Stephen is amazing as well as his colleagues,” shares Passey. “They may be edging us out but we are just happy to be in the same league as the Librarian of the Year!” As of Thursday afternoon, Uintah County Library had 929 people signed up for their Summer Reading Program and Roosevelt reported 866 people. When you add in the other Duchesne County branches, they have Uintah County beat, for now. Moon says the rivalry between the two counties is just like two brothers: helpful and supportive of each other, yet willing to compete at anything. What better competition could there be than who can get more kids reading!

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