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Successful Great American Horse Drive Over The Weekend In Moffat County

by | May 6, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Crowds gather every year to literally feel the majesty of stampeding horses in western
Colorado as part of the Great American Horse Drive and this weekend was no different.
The unbelievable event is put on each year by Sombrero Ranches where cowboys and
cowgirls work for a week rounding up all the horses from the ranch’s vast winter range
and holding them in pens in preparation for the drive. All the prep paid off as they
transported the horses from Browns Park over 60 miles to Sombrero Ranch located west
of Craig over the weekend. While the purpose is to get the horses from winter to summer
pasture, the event has turned into an annual public celebration where people come from
miles around to watch the stampede pass through towns. The horses are guided and
managed by about 50 riders and travel about 30 miles on Saturday and 30 miles on
Sunday. It was another successful year for the Great American Horse Drive.

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