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Strawberry Reservoir Boater Attempts Transport Of Livewell Full Of Live Fish

by | Jul 9, 2024 | News | 0 comments

DWR conservation officers issued 161 citations and warnings for violations of Utah laws over the holiday weekend across the state, including a serious violation in this region. Officers detected a boater at Strawberry Reservoir who was attempting to transport his boat with the livewell full of water and live fish.
In Utah, it is illegal to move live fish from one waterbody to another or to take them home, and can result in a class A misdemeanor. Illegal fish introductions are a huge concern for transporting disease and can also ruin a fishery and threaten the species in the waterbody, shares the report. “Thank you to all the boaters who work with our staff and are cooperative in preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species,” says DWR Aquatic Invasive Species Lt. Bruce Johnson. “We appreciate the effort and time boaters take to comply with laws to protect our waters in Utah.
Visit the STD of the Sea website for all the details about the mandatory education course, how to receive your required aquatic invasive species decal, and to learn all the rules for watercraft inspections and decontaminations.”

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