Still Time To Register For Uintah Basin Water Summit This Thursday

by | Jan 9, 2024 | News | 0 comments

There is still time to register for the Uintah Basin Water Summit this Thursday. The
summit is being hosted by the Uintah Water Conservancy District this year and District
General Manager William Merkley shares that in addition to local topics, the event will
have presentations from water professionals on broader topics of real importance.
Merkley says three areas of major focus will be the latest developments with the
Colorado River Basin, why the Great Salt Lake matters to the Uintah Basin, and the latest
with water conservation efforts around the state. While it was a banner year last year for
snowfall, obviously that is lacking so far this winter. Get informed on this and many other
water topics at the Uintah Basin Water Summit on January 11th. Get registered at or search Eventbrite for the 2024 Uintah Basin Water Summit. The
event rotates between Uintah County and Duchesne County each year. This year it is
being held at the Uintah Conference Center.

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