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State Auditor Announces Results Of Transgender Bathroom Bill Investigations

by | Jun 10, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The Utah State Auditor has announced the results of the investigation of four HB257 related complaints of which Duchesne County was among. HB257 has been called the “transgender bathroom bill” and State Auditor John Dougall released the following update on June 5th: On May 22nd, the Office of the State Auditor reported that it had screened complaints related to alleged violations under HB 257, codified at Utah Code 63G-31. Of the more than 12,000 complaints received, the overwhelming majority were frivolous at best and transparent hoaxes at worst. During the screening process, five complaints were identified that reflected a good-faith effort to attempt to make plausible allegations of a government entity’s violation of Statute. The Auditor’s Office completed the review of four of the five complaints and were unable to substantiate the allegations in any of the four complaints. Concerning the complaint in Duchesne County, it was found that the County failed to provide the State Auditor’s Office with the County’s required privacy compliance plan. The letter issued to the Duchesne County Commissioners on June 4th reminded the County of the requirement to adopt a compliance plan and allowed them 30 days to do so.

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