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Spring Runoff Flood Website Launches In Utah

by | May 2, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Remember the Maine Park in Uintah County is quite soggy these days and the Uintah County Road Department has been busy mitigating flooding risks around the County, including lining areas on Ashley Creek with rock. These and similar efforts are happening all over the Uintah Basin as well as citizens prepping and using sand bags to preserve personal property. The state has stepped up to help in this quest for flood preparedness with the launch of a new website as a one-stop shop for residents to access Utah flooding information. The website features the FEMA flood risk map, which allows residents to enter their addresses and see their flood risk. High-risk areas are marked in blue, medium-risk areas in orange and low-risk areas with no color. Additionally, the website provides information from other state departments, such as public safety, natural resources, environmental quality, agriculture, tourism, and transportation. It also includes live cameras on Rivers and Streams. All Utah residents are encouraged to visit and utilize these valuable resources. 

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