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Speirs Fire Burning Near Flaming Gorge In Daggett County

by | Jul 14, 2024 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

Crews have responded to a wildfire burning south of Flaming Gorge Reservoir in Daggett County. Ashley National Forest has shared that it is being called the Speirs Fire because it is located east of Highway 191 near Speirs Peak. The Speirs Fire was started by lightning on Saturday, July 13th, sometime in the afternoon. As of 6pm it was approximately 30 to 50 acres in size. Ashley National Forest’s announcement shared that firefighting resources engaged on the fire include a Type 3 Helicopter, 4 SEATS (Single Engine Air Tankers), 2 fire engines, and a hand crew. Additional resources have been ordered.  No structures are currently threatened.

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