‘Sound of Freedom’ Executive Producer Interview Today On Newstalk KVEL

by | Jul 10, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Devastatingly hard to watch yet incredibly important to see, the 2023 Angel Studios film ‘Sound of Freedom’ opened on July 4th, including in our local theaters. This film, that pulls the veil off the horrific reality of child sex trafficking and the fact that the United States #1 in the world for child trafficking, is based on real events from the life of Timothy Ballard, who left the Department of Homeland Security to found a group focused on catching child sex traffickers and rescuing the trafficked children and Paul Hutchinson who risked everything to go undercover on this mission as well as fund the rescue that the film is based on and then continued on many other child rescue missions afterwards. While the film is worth seeing in its own right, Paul one of the executive producers of the film, who also has a character based on him in the movie, has ties to the Basin. Paul Hutchinson, now a resident of the basin, was in the studio with us on Saturday and was kind enough to share his story. Tune in today at 5pm on Newstalk KVEL 104.5 to hear Paul Hutchinson and his first hand account of the events that inspired the movie the ‘Sound of Freedom’

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