Solid Team Makes For Another Successful Year Of Sub For Seniors

by | Jan 4, 2022 | News | 0 comments

While best described as a whirlwind, the Sub For Seniors effort had another successful year in spreading love to an often isolated portion of the population, the elderly. Between the Meals on Wheels participants and regulars to the Golden Age Center, a new record of 400 local senior citizens were this year’s recipients. “We had all of the center buses packed to the brim with grocery bags, holiday bags and a bag of fresh bread and oranges for each senior,” shares coordinator Tiffany Henline. “Each year we start out a bit panicked because we have more people than the year before to serve. Each year, just like the one prior, the community shows up and makes it possible.” Tiffany says the volunteers through the Golden Age Center were mostly new this year but they did a fantastic job of diving in and making things happen. The Golden Age Center is a key in making Sub For Seniors happen each year as it serves as a space to store, sort, pack and deliver the packages. “Our holiday cheer team is filled with so much gratitude for the incredible support we are blessed to receive, year after year,” shares Tiffany. “This year’s team enjoyed being able to take part in the work and success, and did a great job jumping in to make it happen. It’s really a huge community effort and takes an incredible amount of people to make it happen.” 

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